Today i become 25 years old, lot of things happened along the journey as i've gone through my ages. Alhamdulillah, i still alive to complete my duty to God, my parents, myself & others. Thanked to God again for extending my life for another year. Perhaps this new chapter for the phase of my life is better than before.
Nuthin much i've planned for this phase of my ages, hoping that i could mended & fixed my weaknesses and faults that i've did through the years. Actually lotz of targets i've been set up for myself, n most of 'em are not reach the goals yet. That's mean i MUST struggle so hard 'ala2' till da last breath 'gitu la' to achieve my aims.
So till the year i become 25th, i'll put my whole effort to become most adorable person for my family n myself n other surround me. Hehehe...
Perhaps by hoping for sumthin is better than hoping for nuthin. I believed on what people said about life which is LIFE WAS A CICRLE, AS WE GOT TO THE END OF IT, AS CLOSER & CLOSER WE GOT TO WHERE WE BEGAN. I would probably grabbed the chance to fixed everything that i've to, life juz once so make it worthwhile for doin sumthin that makes people appreciate most.
Maybe this year is my last phase for becoming as a single chicks,ahaks.. So for the next birthday i guess i'll become as a wife (perhap!). Rase cam xpuas lg nak being single nak enjoy ngan kawan2. OMG next year i'll become sumbody for sumone..!! Xpela, cam kawan aku kate, kawin xsemestinya xleh enjoy kan? TP biala ada batasan & under control. At least once u married, u've sumone that will look after u, taking a good care of u.. (~,~)
In and out, yg penting kita kena ingat, idup mesti ade peraturan baru everything goes right. If we're looking for sumthin good in life, we have to give the best as well. Tul x? Bak kater orang kampung aku la "What u give u'll get back."
P/s: Anyway thanks to all my beloved frewns for ur wishes on my birthday. Lu y'all guys..!!
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